Call for Special Session

Application for Call for Proposal for Special Session

The reseachers from academia and industry are invited to submit the applications for special track session in our prestigous conference International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication Techniques.
The reseachers who are interested for sepcial session need to submit the prescribed application via email:
Applicant Information:
Session Chair Name(s):
Contact Information (Email, Phone):
Proposed Special Session Title:
Abstract (up to 250 words): Please provide a brief summary of the proposed special session, including its objectives, relevance to the conference theme, and potential contributions to the field of intelligent computing.
Keywords: List keywords that best describe the proposed special session.
Session Topics: Please list the main topics or areas of focus that will be covered in the special session.
Declaration: By submitting this application, I confirm that the information provided is accurate, and I agree to comply with the conference guidelines and deadlines.